一个个孩子们的故事。我原本想一天看一个故事,细细嘴噘,应该会有更好滋味!一不小心,咕噜地全吞进去了--《失樂園 I 寂寞上场了》。《失乐园 II童年下雪了》,也一样“咕噜”一声的,你看到啦,没有啦!定力很不好。
我一直在想到底失去了的快乐,在那里呢?没能好好体会。后来,上了Jimmy Spa,看了书介,才发现原来只要换一个角度就能看到故事的美丽了!
“ 如果我們安靜傾聽,就可以感受到失樂園裡溫柔的光,看到彩虹以微笑的姿勢出現。”
《9/11: Calls from the Towers》。忽然好想家。
还去了健身房。去社区的健身俱乐部发现高级外劳 – 布丁。觉得自己好幸运,却好担心的,这样的运气像似随时会消失无踪。
For fun, health and adventure, I get back to running early this year. Occasionally, I look into book for running, but hardly any attracted me. Until, later I pick up this one from the public library. However, it took me a hard three months to finish the whole book. Indeed, it is really a good book before bed time.
Ironically, at this time when I decided to review this book, I have forgotten most topics in the earlier chapters. Anyway, the topics in the later chapters were really interesting:
Family stays with you at all times. Love them. And return such love!
Have courage to be yourself.
Appreciate hard time. The uphill road is hard. Be persistent, life will be great after peak (might not be too). Why not enjoy the hill? A breath-taking hill can have the most breathtakingly beautiful scenery in life.
Parents have great hope on their children. This however, does not mean a child has to be a person that the parents want he/she to be. The journey of life, theirs can be exciting too!
(Source of book image: http://www.ambyburfoot.com)